
Caribee Quencher Hydration Pack with 2L Bladder

Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $61.95.

Caribee Quencher Hydration Pack with 2L Bladder

SKU: 554 Category: Tag:


The Quencher has main zip storage compartment featuring an insulated hydration sleeve, Includes a high quality 2L TPU hydration bladder with a big bore filling port , Twin shoulder duct hydration exit holes, Front zip storage pocket with MP3 sleeve and cord port, Bungee cord for attaching extras, Reflective piping for added safety, Sternum strap, Padded hip belt and has a Vent Back system to keep your bag dry. Also featuring a dedicated insulated hydration sleeve and H2O port, your every day pack converts into a weekend adventure hydration pack. Designed to fit up to 3L US Spec performance hydration bladders, your pack will help you reach your goal.


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